What is the goal of your session?
Who is your target audience, including their location?
Where are you at in your business?
What is your competition doing for their marketing?
What types of social media are your business actively on and how often are you posting?
If you have active social media, what type of content do you post?
2 hours of shooting
15 final images
(Enough to post 1 image everyday for a month)
$550 —
3 hours of shooting
31 final images
1 quick 15 second video
$525 — Minimum 6 months ($3,150)
3 hours of shooting a month
35 final images per month
(1) 25-30 second video a month on the product or topic of your choosing
$500 — Minimum 1 year ($6,000)
3 hours of shooting a month
40 final images per month
(1) 25-30 second video a month on the product or topic of your choosing
1 shoot per quarter, 5 hours per shoot. ($9,500)
30 minute pre-shoot consultation to clarify your photo needs.
Head shots for up to 15 employees ($15 for each additional after)
Unlimited outfit changes
Complete ownership and rights to all images produced.
Minimum of 500 final images
6 product specific detailed videos (30 seconds in length)
6 location specific detailed videos (30 seconds in length)
Additional hour of not scheduled shooting: $150 an hour
Additional images from package: $25 an image
Need a model supplied: $100 per hour, per model
Generate Hashtags for your image:
10 hashtags $10 per image
20 hashtags $25 per image
Exclusive ownership of images:
*All images are delivered non-watermarked, and are free to use for your business lifetime. Be it sales, marketing, social media, or any printed materials.
** All videos in each package can be exchanged for additional images. (1 video= 5 images)